Well, it looks like we signed up for the monthly plan here. Our last blog post was for 4th of July so I thought the 4th of August would be just about the right time to post again. Actually I have found that despite the fact that I think my kids are cute and I like to take lots of pictures I am a pretty bad blogger. I think the combination of my procrastination and feeling like I don't have anything important enough to share with the world---or the three people who regularly check our blog-- (Hi mom!) make me a pretty weak member of the blogging world.
However, as I was thinking about this past month and seeing that I had not recorded anything to look back on and enjoy when my kids are all grown up and gone, I decided to try to be a better poster even if it's just for me to have something to look back on. Forgive me in advance for the unblogworthy posts that may soon follow.
They had SO MUCH fun with you yesterday. The boys look happy, but I'm pretty sure Sophia is the only one complaining about being HOT! Thank you again!
You know what? I just use my blog as a family history/journal of sorts. The fact that others read it and comment and something find it interesting is just a perk! Keep going. It's the everyday things that happen in life that you and your kids will love to read about in the future.
I like the monthly idea! Max is looking more and more gornw up everytime you post. Hope the Dicksons are doing well and miss the Stopczynskis just a little! ;o)
I love your Happy 4th of August, all the kids look so cute.
You are so funny, I am one of those 3 people, and I always look forward to seeing what you guys are up to, small or not.
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