However, despite our disregard for the happenings leading up to this election, Reed has been very aware and by far the most politically active member of our family. I guess he's heard enough radio ads (even though I turn them as fast as I can) and been counting yard signs long enough to feel like he needed to take a stand. About a month ago he wanted to know why we didn't have a yard sign and decided to take matters into his own hands (see below).
The election has even become part of his favorite game---role playing. A couple days ago he said, "OK mom I'll be be McCain, you be Sarah Palin and Max will be Obama. As soon as he "became" McCain he got a worried look on his face and said, "I'm concerned....I'm concerned that people are not going to vote for me." He's a very observant and in-tune boy. The other day I slammed on my brakes when he shouted "STOP"! I was alarmed until he told me to turn around because he thought he saw Obama pushing a cart into the grocery store. (maybe he's not that observant after all).
No matter what happens tomorrow I'm glad I have this boy to keep me laughing.