Dickson Family

Dickson Family

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Halloween is for the birds

I have a love/hate relationship with Halloween. I hate all the extra chaos it always seems to bring to our lives, but I love how much my kids love it and get so excited about the holiday and everything it entails. In fact, they get so excited about it that what they are going to be for Halloween is a topic of conversation we enjoy year round.

About 6 months ago the kids (mostly the boys) decided that this year they wanted to all be birds for Halloween. It sounded interesting at the time when I agreed to do whatever I could to make their Halloween dreams come true, but as October edged closer and closer I began to wonder what I had gotten us into. Birds don't sound that difficult to pull off until you get very specific birds requests including a peregrine falcon, great horned owl and  a flamingo. Google and Pinterest were zero help with falcon ideas (apparently not a popular costume this year) and they were only mildly helpful with the other two. With little inspiration and boys very interested in accurate costumes I felt a little over my head. Enter: "Save-the-day-Sam" to figure things out.

 I must admit I was a little skeptical that Sam would be able to do any better in designing something, but boy was I wrong. I'd like to say that I was the one that pulled off the impossible, but in reality Sam did most of the boy's costumes all by himself. One morning during the costume making craziness I woke up and to my utter amazement Sam had made a pair of pants for each of the boys. Seriously---I have no idea how someone with almost no experience with a sewing machine can whip out two pair of pants, but he did. Ruby's costume was much more my speed and I have no problem taking complete credit  for my little flamingo. Speaking of my little flamingo---here are an excessive number of pictures of her. Narrowing down the options to just these was hard enough.

My adorable great horned owl. Don't be fooled by their quiet nature, Max will eagerly remind you that owls are actually quite vicious creatures---the great horned topping that vicious list.

I don't know, Max--it's hard to be too scary when you are this cute.

My fearless falcon.  Reed was really the driving force behind the whole bird thing. He and Max have been crazy about the "super birds" for a while, so it was no surprise that he had his heart set on a being a peregrine falcon, the fastest bird of them all (fastest animal of all, in fact). Reed could tell you how fast, but I can't.

This was not my original vision for the falcon costume, but I trusted Sam and Reed and am glad that I did.  I think he looks pretty great.

The mask was all Reed.

The whole aviary crew. They all loved their costumes and while they may not have been perfect, they all acted like they were. As we were racing to finish the last few details before our ward's trunk or treat Max said, "Homemade costumes are great because you can get exactly what you want." I'm glad they all felt like they got exactly what they wanted.

Oh yeah...and Sam must have been going for "Dad of the Year" or something because he also gave into the kids requests to make themed Halloween bags...Whhhaaat????


grandmother said...

Ruby, you are such a cute flamingo and you are really good at making flamingo stances. I wish i could stick you in my front yard. Max, you do look vicious; it looks like you could eat squirrels, opossums, or other birds. Luckily, you did not try to take a chunk out of Ruby or Reed. Reed, those wings look like they could take you on super flight. you look amazing. Great job on the mask; it was the perfect touch to the costume. Well Sam you did a Super Job (so creative and well-executed)on the owl and falcon and bags. And Not to leave out Lindsay I think the Ruby flamingo costume came out better than any of those we saw on line. Great Job! and a Great Job on the pictures and the transcript.

grandmother said...

Sam, I was thinking that even more than the outcome of the super costumes, Reed and Max will always remember the time and interest you took to make one of their dreams come true.

Whitney said...

The costumes turned out great. Did I mention that we are going to steal your bird theme for next year. When should I have my girls place their orders? :)

Monica said...

OH my GOSH!!! WOW!! Your kids are right! They got AMAZING costumes! I LOVE THEM!! I am in awe that Sam did the boys! That is some talent there! I LOVE Ruby's too! Maybe I have been a little inspired to make costumes next year for my kids....we will see next year how "inspired" I feel when it comes down to it! hehee GREAT GREAT GREAT JOB!!

Zoe said...

Hi there! I'm praying that you get this comment as my little boy is in love with your peregrine falcon costume and is begging me to make one "exactly like it!!" If there is some chance you get this and are able to possibly let me know what supplies you used - especially to make the fuzzy black and white spotted top and pants!! - I would be forever grateful. Is that fabric with something glued to it? Can't tell from the picture. Beautiful - thank you so much for the inspiration.

Unknown said...

I would also like a materials list for the peregrine falcon costume if you don't mind! My daughter has been saying she wants to be one for Halloween for the past 3 months!

Jessica said...

My son requested a peregrine falcon this Halloween and unfortunately I had to turn him down because I couldn't find ANYTHING remotely resembling such a thing. Please do share fmhow you did this, even though it was so long ago. Even if I gave this to my son as a gift for his birthday or Christmas he would love it!!

aimee said...

Hi there,

I have the same question! Your Reed's peregrine falcon costume is the only one on Pinterest that fits with my three young boys' vision for their costume. I'm a pretty novice sewer, so if you have any advice to offer -- like what kind of fabric to buy or how you made the pants and shirt -- I would be forever grateful.


Kit said...

My son desperately wants to be a peregrine falcon for Halloween, and he loved your son's costume. Thanks for the great inspiration!