I've been meaning to post these pictures from our recent week long adventure in
Virgina, but it's taken me a few days to get back into the swing of things since our jam packed vacation.
In retrospect, I can see that we were a little crazy to plan a nonstop
itinerary including stops at Virginia Beach, Jamestown,
Williamsburg and Washington DC (including a tour inside the White House and Capitol Building) with a troop including 2 babies, 2 3-year-
olds and 1 6- year-old, but we all survived and loved almost every moment of it.

No matter where we were going, Max was great and pretty much just happy to be there.

Reed giving a sermon at the church at the Jamestown fort.

Reed really wanted this hat at Williamsburg until the parade of colonial drummer boys came by (below) and he decided he wanted to find a drum instead. We saved our $20 and got this cute photo instead.

The history might have been a little over their heads, but Reed and Luke had a blast together wherver we were--even if it was yet one more old building.
Williamsburg was really interesting, but after being there all day, we all felt like they looked. The best part was the end of the day when we followed the minute men to the capital where they acted out the declaration of war and raising of the flag ending with cannon fire. Too bad they slept right through it.

These are our pictures from DC---can't you tell?? We got a wonderful tour of the Capitol building and White House as well as the National Archives and Mint. It's probably no surprise that the kids needed a break after all that where they could just be kids on a DC street corner.