Dickson Family

Dickson Family

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Thanksgiving Weekend

This past Thanksgiving weekend was wonderfully full of family and good food--just like Thanksgiving should be. My parents, Matt, Whitney and Olivia along with Matt's brother and his wife joined us for our big dinner.

Since not all of our guests could be here until Friday, we postponed our feast a day and spent Thursday evening making preparations. To make things easier, we didn't start the cooking until after the kids were in bed--or at least we thought they were in bed. Reed sneaked out of bed looking for a drink, but I decided to let him stay up and help us. He was in heaven working with all the grown ups. He was bouncing around the kitchen helping with this and that, grinning and feeling so important. I asked Reed, "So is the best Thanksgiving ever?" He gave a huge smile and said, "More like the best night ever!" Watching him enjoy himself so much was one of the highlights of the weekend for me.

Reed and Grandfather making frog-eyed salad.

Yes--he was wearing ninja clothes to bed.

We were up pretty late cooking and we eventually wore Reed out. After promising not to tell Max about his special evening he hopped right in bed without another word.

On Friday morning we finished our final preparations including some wonderful rolls by Sam and a cute little Indian.

While Sam was putting the finishing touches on the rolls, I threw together Thanksgiving costumes for Ruby and Reed. Max had Reed's old Indian costume and, although I had planned to do it in advance, I had run out of time to do anything for Reed or Ruby. I thought we would skip dressing up this year, but I quickly discovered that we now have an official family tradition that could not be skipped.

I had grand plans for making a cute little pilgrim girl costume for Ruby, but with no time and no sewing machine available I used the scissors to create suitable costumes for both Reed and Ruby. I was actually pretty surprised and impressed at how well they turned out considering the 5 minutes I had to put them together. The kids were thrilled.

My little pilgrim girl.

Ruby and I in a "for posterity" picture. Looking at this now I'm starting wonder if those 5 minutes would have been better spent doing something with my hair.

I'm not sure what the numbers were like at the first Thanksgiving, but the pilgrims were definitely outnumbered in our group.

Olivia, Ruby, Black Hawk (Max) and Squanto (Reed)

My little Indians

Olivia was more of a Great Plains Indian.

The weather was beautiful----and thankfully Reed's rain dance didn't do anything to change that.

Amazingly enough everything came together at the last minute (thanks to a very group effort) and tasted great. Somehow I remembered to take a picture of the food, but not of everyone at the table. Maybe next year.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

11 months

I've come too far to miss this month! Time seems to be going faster than ever and Ruby is growing and changing just as quickly. Here are some things to remember about Ruby at 11 months.

1. She gives kisses. Her kisses are VERY wet but they are also very sweet. She gives them upon request or whenever she feels like it. If her kisses are any indication of her love I think it's safe to say she thinks I'm great.

This isn't a picture of her giving a kiss, but this exactly what her mouth looks like when she's going in to give one. I guess we'll keep working on her pucker.

2. She's starting to show her bossy side. I don't know if it's because she has two older brothers or what, but this girl does not like to be messed with. If someone tries to take a toy from her she is quick to snatch it back while making a sound that can best be described as a basketball game buzzer. I think it's her way of saying, "And don't do it again!" When I was watching a friend's little boy who is her same age she was sure to make it clear who was boss. (and who the toys belonged to) I think next month we will work on sharing.

Here is her "don't mess with me face".

Yes, that is my sweet little girl shooting her playmate with the Astro Blaster.

3. She is growing fast. All of a sudden Ruby has really started to fill out. Last week when I went to get her dressed for church the first two dresses I picked out wouldn't button. Dressing this girl for church can be torture for both parties, but having to dress three times was almost more than she could take.

4. She says "this" or at least it sounds like it. She's not much of a talker yet, but she does love to give me things and say, "iiiissss"

5. She loves to talk on the phone . My cell phone is just about her favorite thing. She puts it to her ear and says, "Ha."

6. She can stand on her own now. She's getting better and better at this, but the cutest thing is how she raises her hands straight over her head to balance and beams with pride waiting for us to cheer her on. I haven't gotten a photo to document this yet so this one of her on the way up (or down?) will have to do.

7. She's got hair issues. Her hair has grown quite a bit in the past month which I am thrilled about, but don't know what to do with it. She rips out her headbands and clips so I've tried to come up with other ideas to keep her from looking like Cousin It. Here was our first attempt at a pig tail. The rubberband was far too large and she wasn't loving it so we only ended up with one.

8. She's into everything---including everybody's business. She is officially in the "into everything" stage. She makes quite a mess in no time.

In addition to being into everything, she is also into what everyone else is doing. She follows me around the house all day careful to never let me leave her sight. The only time she is willing to let me out of sight is when she is busy getting into the boys business.

Here she is after her bath checking out what the boys' bath is all about.

9. She has 6 teeth now--4 on top, 2 on the bottom. It's amazing how much 6 little teeth can make her look so grown up.

Here she is looking like she's ready to conquer anything.

10.She is a climber. Thankfully we do not have stairs, but that doesn't stop Ruby from climbing onto anything she can find.

11. She can throw a lovely fit. "Fit" might be too strong of a word, but when she's been offended --usually by someone walking by her when she wants to be picked up--she can be pretty dramatic. The picture I really need is her with her body folded in half, head on the ground, hands stretched out in front of her looking like her world is over. Thankfully all of her problems can quickly be remedeed in the arms of Mom or Dad.

I hate to end on a bad note, but I think even her sad faces are pretty cute.

Happy 11 months, Ruby! We love you and all of your almost-one-year-old self.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

California October 2010 (A.K.A. Longest post EVER)

This may be my longest post to date, but if I don't catch up now I may never get around to it and there is so much I want to remember about the past month or so.

In October we were lucky enough to go to California for a trip to visit Disneyland, see family, and enjoy the practically perfect Southern California weather.

Earlier in the year we participated in the Disney Day of Service program and earned free tickets to Disneyland by volunteering at a thrift store as a family. The service opportunity alone was a good experience, but getting to go to Disneyland was pretty wonderful too.

After months of talking about it, the kids were so excited to actually be there.

The first ride we went on was Mr. Toad's Wild Ride. About 20 seconds into the ride it got a little dark and "scary" and I discovered that Ruby was in fact old enough to be aware of "scary" and both she and Max were crying. It was the perfect start to our visit to the happiest place on earth.

Here is Ruby with tear stained cheeks recovering from her Mr. Toad experience.

Luckily, the rest of our trip was less dramatic and tear-free, especially when we met up with cousins. The kids were in heaven. The boys had both earned spending money for the trip. Max took no time at all to decide that the Buzz Lightyear Astro-Blaster gun was just the thing for him--and it really was. Reed's decision making process took a little longer, but in the end he came home with a Star Wars Light Saber.

We were doubly spoiled by our mothers' willingness to help with Ruby to make our day more enjoyable. Sam's mom came to Disneyland for part of the day to be with us and mostly hold Ruby so we could go on more rides with the boys. When Nancy left, she passed Ruby off to my mom to take her home. We are so lucky to have such loving and willing-to-help family.

It really was a nearly perfect day with great weather, plenty of rides and good kids. I was impressed that the boys were able to enjoy all of the rides including Thunder, Space and Splash Mountain. We really did hit all of the best rides pretty quickly. One of the last rides we went on was the tea cups. I just couldn't imagine a trip to Disneyland without it. It was a great way to end the day, but I must say either Sam spun us too fast or I don't like being dizzy as much as I used to. Whatever the situation, I decided to sit the second round out.

This wasn't Reed's first trip to Disneyland. When Reed was just about one year old I took him with my sister and her kids. I was thinking about that trip as we were leaving and tried to snap a quick picture of Reed at the same spot I knew I had on his first trip.

Oh where have these 5 and 1/2 years (and my baby boy!) gone????



Besides a great trip to Disneyland we also had a few days in both San Clemente and Long Beach, spending time with the other little people my boys love best.

We hit Irvine Park and enjoyed the fall festivities and good company. With all these boys, Ruby was definitely the oddball.

I think just about every night in San Clemente included a dance party. I don't think I'll ever hear "You think you're cooler than me" and not think of these crazy boys.

Another highlight of our time in San Clemente was going to Dana Point with the Harris boys. We went to see the tide pools, but since we arrived at high tide their wasn't much opportunity for checking out sea creatures. That didn't seem to bother the boys a bit, who were perfectly content to enjoy the waves, play in the sand and stack large interesting stones.

I can't see Reed's face in this picture, but I can certainly feel his joy.

I could have watched them play in the waves all day, and from the number of pictures I have of them you would think that I had. Max would get as close as he could to the water and then dash away at the last minute.

He kept acting like he didn't want to get wet, but then kept coming back for more.

All the boys had a great time being chased by the waves.

The boys also found some really cool smooth stones and made rock castles and towers.

Even Ruby got in on the action.

Ruby didn't get to do much playing in the waves, but I could still tell she was loving every minute of her first beach trip.

She loved the beach so much that she made sure she brought back as much souvenir sand as possible. The poor girl was covered.

Reed and Toby being serious....

...and not so serious.

After a good day at the beach we hit the pool. Ruby was so cozy in the jacuzzi that she fell right to sleep.

In Long Beach we got to spend more time with family, including my Nana and Uncle Les. Ruby is lucky to be loved so much.

Showing off his new basketball skills was also on Reed's agenda in Long Beach. He brought his ball all the way from North Carolina to do just that. After showing everyone his dribbling moves he enjoyed a good game of "Monkey in the Middle" with Luke and Grandmother.

On one of the nights in Long Beach I took Reed along with my mom, Tracey, Belle, and Luke to see a performance of Peter Pan at the Orange County Preforming Arts Center. It was a very cool show preformed on a circular stage with intimate seating. I'm not sure which Reed thought was cooler--the flying actors or the all you can eat candy bar they had.

After a week of nearly non-stop fun we had a less than graceful departure at the airport. We were running a little late and ended up having to leave one suitcase behind and race onto the airplane with THREE crying children. The other passengers seemed thrilled to see us board. Based on the picture below I'm pretty sure the person sitting in front of Max appreciated our presence the entire flight.

I always want to take pictures to document our crazy flights, but it seems a little awkward to bust out the camera in such close quarters with strangers. This is my attempt to get a photo while being discrete. It is not a great photo by any means, but there is something about it that really captures the feeling for me. Sam says just looking at this picture makes him tired.

We arrived at the airport in Raleigh close to midnight and completely exhausted. Flying across the country always wipes me out, but doing it with three little ones can definitely push my limits. Despite my exhaustion the kids seemed to still have plenty of energy--and apparently had real estate on the mind.

It was a great trip and I'm so glad we got to go. If I can't raise "California kids" I guess I'll settle for Carolina kids that love California too.