1. Blessed our sweet little Ruby. As it turns out I am a terrible event photographer. Whenever there is something going on I get so caught up it's as if I don't have a camera at all. I have hundreds (really) of pictures of the kids playing in the back yard and 4 slightly out of focus pictures from Ruby's blessing day, none of which include Sam or me. Moral of the story: I would be the worst wedding photographer ever. Thankfully, my weakness is Sam's mom's strength. Click here for pictures of the ACTUAL day. An upcoming post will feature a recreation of how lovely Ruby looked on her blessing day. The blessing itself was lovely too. In the blessing Sam reminded Ruby of how loved she was. Having both sets of grandparents, Whitney and Olivia present was evidence of that.
Ruby's blessing was the big February event, but here is a list of a few other things we've been doing this month.
2. Played outside. We've started an evening routine that includes Sam taking the boys out to play right when he gets home from work. It's been a good thing for all parties and Ruby and I can't wait to join them when it gets a little warmer. Watching them play outside through the window while I make dinner is one of my favorite things.

3. Spent a lot of time getting to know our sweet little girl. Sam claims she only loves me. I think this picture proves otherwise.
4. Enjoyed the snow! I really do think North Carolina has the best snow on earth. It only snows 2 or 3 days a year and when it does everything is canceled---school, work and church. Everyone just gets to stay home and enjoy the snow---and that's just what we did.

5. Took approximately 1,000 pictures trying to capture Ruby's super big smile. We've yet to be completely successful. Below are some of our best efforts.

6. Decided to stop avoiding the camera. I love to take pictures, but I am rarely (mostly by choice) the subject of any. After looking through all of the pictures we've taken this year and noting that only half of my face made it into one photo I decided that I would rather have bad pictures of me than none at all. I want my kids to look at these pictures someday and know that I was there. When I told Sam this he of course promptly got the camera and started taking picture of me making dinner. Thanks Sam!

If you thought that was exciting, you are going to love what is coming up next. Having three kids has felt quite overwhelming at times . It isn't easy, but the worst part about it is that I feel like my time is so split between all of my responsibilities and I worry that sometimes I will miss out on something with one of my kids. I know I can't be in 3 or even 2 places at the same time so I have decided to try my best to enjoy the places that I am in when I'm there and then remember the wonderful times I've had with each of them. For this reason I have decided to be a better record keeper. To get myself started off on the right track I have committed to record something I want to remember each day for the whole month of March. I'm sure it will seem mundane for anyone besides Sam or me that may see our our blog, but since I'm doing this so that I can preserve these special memories for myself and my family I'll try not to think about that. Wish me luck!