Last week Sam and I participated in our first triathlon. We had been training for a couple months so it felt great to complete the race. I love a good goal and it was great to finally reach this one.
When we first arrived at the event I felt completely intimidated by everyone who looked like triathlon regulars. We definitely had the least "gear" of just about anyone. When we set up our things (including our running shoes) at the transition station before the race started Sam and I were laughing at the fact that we were walking around barefoot while everyone else wore flip flops. We looked like such amatures. There are just some things you don't think of if you've never done this before.
Here is our "gear". We really didn't have much. Thankfully the Harbertsons were generous enough to let us borrow their bikes.

We didn't bring much gear, but we were among the very few that brought three kids with them. The boys enjoyed the "set up" process, but after that I'm afraid they were mostly hot, tired and a little bored waiting for the race to start...and finish.

Unfortunately we don't have too many great pictures from the race. I left my Mom (who was kind enough to come out and help with the kids and cheer us on) with the camera on the wrong setting and a low battery.
Sam did awesome in the swim. He actually had the fastest time in his division.

Swimming was what I was the most worried about. Despite nearly loosing my goggles and having to go almost a full length without being able to see, I survived this 250 meter leg of the race.
The 14 mile bike ride was by far the longest portion of the race. I actually saw Sam coming in from his ride just as I was heading out. It was great to see him since at this point I was still doubting whether or not I could do it. Doubting myself is actually my only regret of the race. About half way through the bike ride I realized that, "Yes--I can do this...what am I worried about?" and kicked it into high gear. I wish I had been able to feel that way the whole race.
I don't think Sam ever doubted himself since he flew from the bike ride and launched right into the 5K getting the 2nd fastest time in his division. He really did do so great.
Once I got to the run I knew I could do it and there was no reason not to give it everything I had.

Sam finished the the race in 1 hour 13 minutes and ended up 5th in his division and 69th over all. I was VERY proud of his hard work.
I finished the race in 1 hour in 34 minutes which was much faster than I hoped. When it was over we were both completely exhausted, but so happy.

The boys were mostly happy to get snow cones and be on their way home.
We didn't come home with any any awards, but as I walked around with a sweet sleeping Ruby after the race someone told me that I won the best prize...I totally agree.