1. She loves to play peek-a-boo and is just now learning to do it herself. It's probably my favorite thing that she does right now. It's so cute I don't even mind when she uses my newly folded laundry to hide.

2. She loves to help out. Whether it is putting laundry away or washing the floor, Ruby likes to get involved.

3. She does not like to be left out. The boys are very good about letting her be involved in whatever they are doing, but on this particular occasion they were making a pile of chalk dust (really boys?) and did not want her to ruin it. I should have taken a picture, but Reed had drawn a chalk line and written "Do not let Ruby past this line." Ruby did not approve.
4. She's great at waving. Whenever she hears someone say "Hi" she's quick to start swinging her arm to return the greeting.

5. She has started this new tongue thing and it's kinda driving me crazy. If her mouth is open, her tongue is almost always hanging out. I don't know if it's a teething thing or what, but she looks like a little puppy dog all the time.
6. Here favorite game is to pass things back and forth. "Ruby....give me the_____", "Thank you". "Here's the ____." She will play this game over and over and over again. Thankfully, the boys enjoy playing it with her, too.

7. She's got four teeth...two on top and two on bottom. I think she looks like a cute little hippopotamus with those two new top teeth.

8. She wore her first pair of jeans--skinny jeans to be exact. My mom thinks it's ridiculous (and maybe it is), but I just couldn't resist.

9. She loves to clap her hands and is happy to do it on command.

10. She loves her little playing table. It was Reed's favorite toy at her age, too. I have actually started to notice some similarities between Ruby's and Reed's personality as a baby. It will be interesting to see if it continues.

I can hardly believe that my baby girl is edging closer and closer to being a 1-year-old. These past 10 month (O.K. almost 11) have gone way too fast.