1. She gives kisses. Her kisses are VERY wet but they are also very sweet. She gives them upon request or whenever she feels like it. If her kisses are any indication of her love I think it's safe to say she thinks I'm great.
This isn't a picture of her giving a kiss, but this exactly what her mouth looks like when she's going in to give one. I guess we'll keep working on her pucker.

2. She's starting to show her bossy side. I don't know if it's because she has two older brothers or what, but this girl does not like to be messed with. If someone tries to take a toy from her she is quick to snatch it back while making a sound that can best be described as a basketball game buzzer. I think it's her way of saying, "And don't do it again!" When I was watching a friend's little boy who is her same age she was sure to make it clear who was boss. (and who the toys belonged to) I think next month we will work on sharing.
Here is her "don't mess with me face".

Yes, that is my sweet little girl shooting her playmate with the Astro Blaster.
3. She is growing fast. All of a sudden Ruby has really started to fill out. Last week when I went to get her dressed for church the first two dresses I picked out wouldn't button. Dressing this girl for church can be torture for both parties, but having to dress three times was almost more than she could take.

4. She says "this" or at least it sounds like it. She's not much of a talker yet, but she does love to give me things and say, "iiiissss"

5. She loves to talk on the phone . My cell phone is just about her favorite thing. She puts it to her ear and says, "Ha."

6. She can stand on her own now. She's getting better and better at this, but the cutest thing is how she raises her hands straight over her head to balance and beams with pride waiting for us to cheer her on. I haven't gotten a photo to document this yet so this one of her on the way up (or down?) will have to do.

7. She's got hair issues. Her hair has grown quite a bit in the past month which I am thrilled about, but don't know what to do with it. She rips out her headbands and clips so I've tried to come up with other ideas to keep her from looking like Cousin It. Here was our first attempt at a pig tail. The rubberband was far too large and she wasn't loving it so we only ended up with one.

8. She's into everything---including everybody's business. She is officially in the "into everything" stage. She makes quite a mess in no time.

In addition to being into everything, she is also into what everyone else is doing. She follows me around the house all day careful to never let me leave her sight. The only time she is willing to let me out of sight is when she is busy getting into the boys business.
Here she is after her bath checking out what the boys' bath is all about.

9. She has 6 teeth now--4 on top, 2 on the bottom. It's amazing how much 6 little teeth can make her look so grown up.
Here she is looking like she's ready to conquer anything.

10.She is a climber. Thankfully we do not have stairs, but that doesn't stop Ruby from climbing onto anything she can find.

11. She can throw a lovely fit. "Fit" might be too strong of a word, but when she's been offended --usually by someone walking by her when she wants to be picked up--she can be pretty dramatic. The picture I really need is her with her body folded in half, head on the ground, hands stretched out in front of her looking like her world is over. Thankfully all of her problems can quickly be remedeed in the arms of Mom or Dad.

I hate to end on a bad note, but I think even her sad faces are pretty cute.
Happy 11 months, Ruby! We love you and all of your almost-one-year-old self.