There is so much we loved about living in Fuquay. I had high hopes of taking time our last week there to take pictures of all of our favorite places, but alas--like most things on my "would like to do" list--it didn't happen. Since I don't have all the pictures I had hoped for, I feel even more compelled to record my thoughts about our home and life of the past 7 years.
There is no way I could include everything that we've loved about living in Fuquay, but topping the list would have to be the people here. We enjoyed a wonderful (and growing and changing) ward during our time here. We've had great friends and neighbors. I can honestly say that I have come to know and become friends with more wonderful people while in North Carolina than at any other place or time in my life. As we were getting ready to leave I had grand plans of writing notes to all of the good people in North Carolina who had positivally influenced myself or my family. Unfortunately, this was another activity that never made it off the to-do list, but it was amazing the large number of people on my mental list that were due thanks.
In addition to the great people, we have loved living "a little more out in the country". I always considered myself a city girl and find it a big plus to live in an area with good freeway access and everything you need within a few minutes. Living in Fuquay has taught me to appreciate things other than freeway on ramps. We absolutely loved the soybean field, old pecan grove and pond behind our house. It didn't have all the conveniences I would have liked (we were close to Wal Mart and.... Wal Mart), but for the past several years it was close to perfect. It made us feel like we were in the middle of nowhere and we loved it. No matter where life takes us I really think a little part of me will always be from North Carolina.
For 6 long weeks Sam lived and worked in Maryland and came home on the weekends. It was not may favorite and I certainly have greater empathy for single parents. It is a tough job. Here are a few pictures from the 6 long weeks of no Sam and no blogging.
While Sam was gone Ruby ended up in my bed almost every night. It didn't make for very restful nights, but she sure was cute to wake up to.
I'm not sure if this is "Hello" or "Good-bye". They were usually way too close together. I would pretty much go straight from feeling relief that Sam was home to dreading his departure.

I wasn't the only one who dreaded the Sunday good-bye.
The boys did their best to be extra helpful while we were without Sam. Reed took Sam's charge to be the man of the house while he was gone seriously. Unfortunately, to Reed that meant he should also be able to stay up late like "dad always does". I told him he was welcome to stay up if he was willing to help me clean. He agreed and stayed up way to0 late mopping the floor. He told me, "It's kind of funny, I don't really like to work during the day, but at night I love it."

That boy must really hate to sleep
Max was a helper too--more like a SUPER helper. He wanted me to take a picture of him turning into a super hero. I give you Super Max...

Max actually was a super helper--especially when it came time for Ruby's nap. Ruby's sleeping was a wreck while Sam was gone for some reason and the only place I could get her to nap consistantly was in the car. So twice a day Max and I would go on a "driving date", which primarily included driving Ruby to sleep and parking while Max would jump into the front seat to read books, play games and do school work. He really was a trooper to hang out in the car so often.

I think Ruby really missed a male figure in her life because while Sam was away she took a greater interest in playing with Max and wanting Max to do everything with her. Thankfully Max usually obliged.
"Dog" is their favorite game. Max loved to have Ruby pull him around on a leash. It was pretty adorable.

Max thought it was pretty funny when Ruby plopped herself down on his lap with a book. "Mom--she's a BIG gurler (that is how he still says girl and I still love it.))

Ruby rarely lets anyone hold her hand. I guess Max is an exception.
The True Clean team (the name my kids go by when they are doing jobs) has a new member. I'm not sure what she was doing, but Ruby was loving it.

And we had plenty of sad times too. This is Reed after he accidentally pulled my camera and computer off the bar with one swift movement. He felt terrible. I tried not make him feel worse even though I was devastated thinking I had cracked the lens of my camera--again! When I told him it was going to be OK he said between heavy sobs, "But I'll miss your great pictures." He knows just what to say.