Despite the fact that mellow is not in her repertoire, I really feel like Ruby has hit one of her 'sweet spots' for me. I adore watching her try new things, push herself to do more and learn and discover the world around her. I think it has also helped that I have stopped wondering when she will turn into the easy going, soft spoken, unassuming, shy girl I always thought I'd have. Ruby is vivacious, loud, determined and confident and I love every bit of her. Here are a few other things I love about her right now.
1. When this girl wants something...there is no stopping her. I love this picture of her. I can't see her face, but I know just how focused it is as she insists on wearing a winter coat on a blazing hot day and carrying all of her "supplies" to the car by herself. When she is this crazy determined I know sleep is just around the corner.

About two minutes after we got in the car she was out.

2.Whenever we ask "Who wants....(anything)?" she raises her hand just like this. We think it's so cute that we ask questions just to see her do it.

3.She loves to be chased. She loves to put clothes on, but when it's time to put on pajamas she always runs into the boys room and hides in their bed. It's now part of her nightly routine.

4. She might be a little bit of diva. I always thought diva little girls came from diva mothers but now that I have one I don't think that is true. When she saw these glasses at WalMart she made a bee-line for them, put them on and didn't want to take them off. She ended up falling asleep in my arms during our shopping trip with the glasses on so it wasn't until we were in the car that I realized we were the proud new owners of zebra print glasses. She loves them, wears them all the time and I plan to pay for them next time we are at WalMart.

About two minutes after we got in the car she was out.

2.Whenever we ask "Who wants....(anything)?" she raises her hand just like this. We think it's so cute that we ask questions just to see her do it.

3.She loves to be chased. She loves to put clothes on, but when it's time to put on pajamas she always runs into the boys room and hides in their bed. It's now part of her nightly routine.

4. She might be a little bit of diva. I always thought diva little girls came from diva mothers but now that I have one I don't think that is true. When she saw these glasses at WalMart she made a bee-line for them, put them on and didn't want to take them off. She ended up falling asleep in my arms during our shopping trip with the glasses on so it wasn't until we were in the car that I realized we were the proud new owners of zebra print glasses. She loves them, wears them all the time and I plan to pay for them next time we are at WalMart.
5. Sunglasses aren't the only thing she steals. She is pretty much an accessory bandit. I can't count the number of times I've had to walk around with hat hair while shopping because Ruby has suddenly decided her outfit needs an extra touch on top.
When we went camping with the Bywaters, Ruby saw a headband (on Sohpia's head) that she just had to have. Sophia obliged and life is good for Ruby.

6.When it comes to accessories not even the boys are safe. This is Ruby after church. The boys take off their church clothes and she puts them on. It looks like things didn't go exactly as planned.

7. She loves stuffed animals. It all started with an obsession with stealing Max's stuffed animals (I think it mostly still is), but Dotty, Dolly, Sharky and Crocky (are you noticing a naming theme) are her favorite bedtime companions.

8.She is already stealing my clothes...well shoes at least. Here she is stuffing my heels into her drawer.

9.She may like to steal my clothes (actually anyone's clothes), but she certainly has her own sense of style. She insists (I've used this word a lot during this post...there's a reason) on wearing these goggles on her face or on top of her head. It's her "thing" right now. I am amazed that they don't drive her crazy.

Ruby's style is pretty eclectic. This outfit really epitomizes it, though. Max's shirt, a tutu, tights (in the heat), some old shoes of Reed's she pulled out of a box and a BYU cap, of course (always accessorized).

10. And finally, one of the most exiting things about being 18 months: GOING TO NURSERY! Ruby was actually as excited as we were about attending nursery. She has yet to so much as look back at us when we drop her off. We have a great nursery leader and I'm glad she is so happy there. I love to pick her up at the end of church with her little lesson coloring page in hand. It makes me smile every time.

Wow..that was a lot, but like I said, there is a lot about this girl that we sure love. She is a joy and a menace and life just wouldn't be the same without her.