As sad as I was to kiss Max's toddler days goodbye, I was also thrilled to recognize and celebrate what a smart, strong (physically strong and strong willed), sweet and loving boy he has grown into these past 5 years.
Turning 5 is a big deal so I was happy to be able to pull off our most successful attempt yet at having a real party for Max. Having a birthday right after Christmas (Jan. 6) is tough, but we worked it out this year. For my boys, most of the fun of the birthday party comes in the planning and "talking about it" phase. Max certainly did plenty of talking and planning, including frequent revisions to the themes and activities. At one time or another it was going to be a knight party, a bat party, a ninja party and an ice skating party, He finally decided and stuck with a snake party. I think it was a good choice and suited Max perfectly.
Even though it was a "snake" party we started the festivities at Pump it Up for for some good (but very crowded) jumping fun.
Sam, his very brave daughter and the birthday boy.
After we had bounced all we could bounce we headed to our house with the Bywaters for some very snakey games, including...
The green anaconda game: A race to make the longest snake out of a single piece of paper. It was the perfect game for a boy who loves to cut and makes many, many snakes.

Measuring the paper snakes. It was a close one, but I think Sophia won.

Pin the tongue on the cobra. No party would be complete for Max without a pin the something on the something. I was planning to make a very simple snake drawing for the game--something along the lines of a long wavy tube, but apparently Sam had other plans.
Sam's awesome cobra. Waaaaay better than my wavy tube. Those eyes actually scare me.

Everyone got a shot.

My favorite game of the party was the King Snake game. King snakes are snakes that eat other snakes, so the kids all did their best to eat snakes (fruit by the foot) without any hands as fast as they could.

It was a great--albeit sticky--game.

I think Reed was the winner, but I'm not sure. It was close.

Finally, we went on a snake hunt in the dark basement with flashlights to find plastic snakes that were hidden all over.

My mom was in town for the party and a huge help getting everything together at the last minute. Last minute help is one of her specialties.

After the hunt was over, the spoils were divided among the hunters. Of course the birthday boy got to pick first. His face doesn't show it, but he was pleased.

And what would a party be without cake? Snakes are always crawling out of large mounds of mud, right?

Happy Birthday Max! I hope all of your 5-year-old wishes come true. We love you!
The green anaconda game: A race to make the longest snake out of a single piece of paper. It was the perfect game for a boy who loves to cut and makes many, many snakes.

Measuring the paper snakes. It was a close one, but I think Sophia won.
Pin the tongue on the cobra. No party would be complete for Max without a pin the something on the something. I was planning to make a very simple snake drawing for the game--something along the lines of a long wavy tube, but apparently Sam had other plans.
Sam's awesome cobra. Waaaaay better than my wavy tube. Those eyes actually scare me.

Everyone got a shot.

My favorite game of the party was the King Snake game. King snakes are snakes that eat other snakes, so the kids all did their best to eat snakes (fruit by the foot) without any hands as fast as they could.

It was a great--albeit sticky--game.
I think Reed was the winner, but I'm not sure. It was close.

Finally, we went on a snake hunt in the dark basement with flashlights to find plastic snakes that were hidden all over.

My mom was in town for the party and a huge help getting everything together at the last minute. Last minute help is one of her specialties.
After the hunt was over, the spoils were divided among the hunters. Of course the birthday boy got to pick first. His face doesn't show it, but he was pleased.
And what would a party be without cake? Snakes are always crawling out of large mounds of mud, right?

Happy Birthday Max! I hope all of your 5-year-old wishes come true. We love you!