For Sam's birthday this year he didn't have too many specific requests besides the fact that he wanted cake and mint Oreos. I took the idea and ran with it and made him some somewhat labor intensive mint Oreo cupcakes. They were a little bit more work than I had planned for, but in the end they looked almost as good as they did on Pintrest.
Like father, like son.
Oh man, do these kids love him. (Although I can't help but laugh when I see what Ruby really has her eyes on in the second picture.)

Sam said he enjoyed the cupcakes, but that they were VERY sweet. That didn't stop him from polishing it off.

Sam's big gift was an inflatable kayak. I know he'd love to have a real hard shell one, but in a lot of ways (expense included) this one fits our current lifestyle perfect. Sam and the kids were ecstatic about the water craft and couldn't wait to take it down to the lake.

They were so excited for the maiden voyage.

I was a little nervous watching them all disappear around the bend of the lake, but thankfully they all returned safe, sound and with big smiles.

I remember the first time I spoke with the realtor who sold us our house. She painted a beautiful picture of the neighborhood, emphasizing how wonderful it was to hang out at the lake and let the kids play while you have pizza delivered to you on the shore. For once it was nice to find out our realtor was not exaggerating. That aspect of where we live, is pretty wonderful.

Having fun with his family is one of the things Sam does best, so a relaxing evening at the beach was the perfect was to celebrate the guy we all love.
Playing at the lake never gets old.

Have I mentioned that Ruby has a pretty awesome vertical jump for a 2-year-old...and a pretty adorable crash landing.

It was a great night, so great we didn't want it to end. It was almost dark by the time we left...which for a summer night is really saying something.

Happy Birthday Sam! We love you lots!