Throughout her illness ups and downs there were several other things worth remembering from Harlow's 7th month.
With crawling skills firmly under her belt, she started working on her monkey stance. I'm not sure what it is useful for, but it is cute.

This month she wore the little blue dress that both Ruby and I wore. You can't tell from these pictures, but I will note that it was much shorter on Harlow than Ruby or me. She's a tall one.
She is still not super cuddly, but whenever you pick her up she will hug you for a second before she pushes away. I've grown to savor the few seconds she gives me.
Such a classic Harlow move. Giving Sam some love and then quickly switching to check out the view from her new vantage point.
Finding new ways to enjoy the saucer.
Becoming more interested in what my big black camera is all about.
Pitiful little thing. I hope it doesn't make me mean, but I really like this picture of her. That look really sums up how she felt for way too much of this month.
When she wasn't miserable, she spent as much time as she could enjoying her growing interactions with her siblings. Nothing makes Harlow more excited than the attention they give her. I can't remember exactly why but Max was setting up a little "desk" for her here.
She seemed to have enjoyed it.
Looking like she means business.
Even taking her "monthly picture" turned into quite the chore for my not-feeling-so-great girl.
A lot of times I wish I could just freeze time and certainly looking at these pictures makes me miss my girl from two months ago, but as far as freezing time goes I think I'll wait until we can make it more than a week without falling off the healthy wagon. I love you Harlow, but I'm looking forward to your healthy return.

This month she wore the little blue dress that both Ruby and I wore. You can't tell from these pictures, but I will note that it was much shorter on Harlow than Ruby or me. She's a tall one.
This month she also started pulling up on everything.
She is still not super cuddly, but whenever you pick her up she will hug you for a second before she pushes away. I've grown to savor the few seconds she gives me.
Such a classic Harlow move. Giving Sam some love and then quickly switching to check out the view from her new vantage point.
Finding new ways to enjoy the saucer.
Becoming more interested in what my big black camera is all about.
Pitiful little thing. I hope it doesn't make me mean, but I really like this picture of her. That look really sums up how she felt for way too much of this month.
When she wasn't miserable, she spent as much time as she could enjoying her growing interactions with her siblings. Nothing makes Harlow more excited than the attention they give her. I can't remember exactly why but Max was setting up a little "desk" for her here.
She seemed to have enjoyed it.
I'm pretty sure he is trying to teach her something here. She seems fairly interested in his "lesson".
Her consta-runny nose often collided with her crazy in-her-eyes hair and it wasn't a happy combination. I tried to keep it pulled up, but it sometimes felt like a losing battle.
Looking like she means business.
Even taking her "monthly picture" turned into quite the chore for my not-feeling-so-great girl.
She was happier when I let her do her own thing--which at 7 months includes activities like holding tightly to toys while banging them on anything nearby...especially walls.
Getting a little"walking" help from a big sister was pretty high on her "want-to-do" list too.
I never did quite get the shot I was looking for, but as far as capturing reality, these ones do a painfully good job. Even now I can hardly stand to look at her poor raw, scabbed nose, sore from too much wiping. Oh...yeah and she got a third tooth too, which didn't do anything to help keep her nose in any better shape.
A lot of times I wish I could just freeze time and certainly looking at these pictures makes me miss my girl from two months ago, but as far as freezing time goes I think I'll wait until we can make it more than a week without falling off the healthy wagon. I love you Harlow, but I'm looking forward to your healthy return.