It is always shocking to me when I finally get around to downloading my pictures in January, how very few pictures I have from the weeks leading up to Christmas. For someone who will take a hundred pictures on any given week my average takes a major plummet right before Christmas. I'm the queen of "everyday life" photos, but when actual "events" roll around I often feel too overwhelmed to be so snap happy. The one bright spot in this little fact is that I can actually, with very little effort include them all in one post of our pre-Christmas festivities.
Max got a paint-your-own ornament from his primary teacher, which he so kindly let Ruby help with. That boy is almost always willing to let Ruby be involved in anything she wants (which is just about everything.) Watching them work together like this is my favorite.

Christmas Sunday was one of the best I can remember having in a while. The talks and music in sacrament meeting were just great and the special sharing time activity we had planned for Primary went smoothly as well. For Primary we had the kids visit different classrooms and hear the Christmas story told from the perspective a different people involved. I got to be a shepherd and describe what my experience might have been like. The kids loved it (especially my own) and I could really feel the Spirit as I shared what I had prepared.
The Sunday meetings might have gong perfectly, but trying use the self timer to get a family picture didn't go as well. We never did quite get it together.
Ruby--always ready for her close up.
It's always more fun when it's some one's first Christmas. Everything is new and exciting. Even at 9 months I think Harlow could pick up on the special nature of the season. She was especially drawn to the lights. She never tried to pull them down or off of anything, but did love to get close to them and just look in awe.
Christmas music is always a favorite part of the holiday season for me and with another piano player in the house we enjoyed more of it.
Thankfully I made up for my lack of pre-Christmas pictures on Christmas Day....and while I'm in the holiday spirit I think I'll get those up too.