I've been dreading this day for a while. Reed on the other hand has been counting down the days, hours, minutes and seconds. Last night had a strange feel to it. It was full of anticipation and excitement and at the same time overwhelming reluctance to go forward with the planned events. Before I look too overprotective, let me mention that in NC kindergarten is ALL day--and I really do mean all day (9:00-3:45.) That is a very long time to someone who is used to having their boy home and with them all day everyday.
The drop off was quick and almost uneventful. Reed walked into the classroom dropped off his backpack and immediately joined a group of boys on the floor who were working with some ABC tiles. I actually had to call him back to give me a hug goodbye. Max and I left quickly before I let my hyper-sensitive pregnancy emotions get to me.
Max and I ended up having a great day together. Our house was much quieter, didn't get as messy, and Max enjoyed every minute of having all of the Legos to himself. When we picked Reed up he only had good things to report...He loves his teachers, made some new friends (although he couldn't remember their names for sure) and of course his highlight--eating in the cafeteria.
I guess we may survive this whole school thing after all.
My big boy. I had different clothes picked out for him for today, but he INSISTED on these...especially the jeans even though it was 90 degrees today!!
Just HOW excited are you for kindergarten Reed?????
Max wanted to know why I wasn't taking any pictures of him, so...
8 years ago
Aww! You almost made me cry, I was derfinitely choked up and then you also made me grateful Ethan will only be HALF DAY!! No eating in the cafeteria this year for Ethan. hehehe We start on Aug 12th! I just kind of keep trying to NOT think about how soon that is. Great job Reed!
Loved the story and pictures - especially the jump pic. Did he have that much energy at 4:00?
I know exactly how you feel. It sounds like Reed did great.
Reed looks so cute! (and Max does too) I'm glad he had a good first day of school.
I can't believe he started so soon. My heart hurts for you, but Reed is just the one to love it. You will get very used to it--especially when the baby comes. Love and miss those little guys!
Wow school already? Seems really soon. He is growing up so fast!
He is the cutest kindergarten boy!!! I just know his teacher is going to LOVE having him and he will love every minute of school. It'll be a hard transition for you, but you will LOVE the one-on-one time with Max and you will start to cherish your moments with Reed in the late afternoons. Good luck next week for his/your first full week of school!!!
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