Dickson Family

Dickson Family

Thursday, July 25, 2013


I know I'm behind when Max sees our blog and says, "What?! Mom, you haven't even put Harlow's 2 month picture on here yet!" I love that he cares... actually, they all care. In fact, they care enough to give me a moment while Harlow is taking a nap so I can finish this during the day instead of  after they are in bed at night when I seem to have no control of my eyelids.

Here is a quick recap of Harlow at 2 months...

I don't know if Harlow is actually the best baby ever, but she sure is the best baby of mine.  Her sweet temperament and calm aura have been present since her birth and even 3 months into it I am in awe daily that the serenity continues.

She almost never cries, and, when she does, it is better described as a quiet whimper that can quickly be calmed. In fact, the only time I can really expect anything but smiles from her is in the car seat--which it turns out she is not a fan of. Even then, her car seat cry is pale in comparison to Ruby's consta-scream in the car seat when she was a baby.

She sleeps at night like a pro. She has slept for 5-6 hours at night almost since we brought her home from the hospital with little coaxing from us. In fact, it used to stress me out to have her sleep so long at night when she was so little, but now that I've been spoiled I don't know how I could do without it. After her 6 hour stretch at night she will wake up, eat and go right back to sleep for another 2-3 hours. This might be normal for some people, but certainly not for me. I haven't necessarily done anything too different this time either, so I'm going to have to give her all the credit for this one.

This was  a big month for Harlow. She went from being a squishy little bum-in-the air sleeping lump of a newborn to the full-fledged baby of our family (sorry Ruby!), melting our hearts on an almost hourly basis with her huge infectious smile and easy peaceful nature.

Here are a few other moments from Harlow's second month:

1. Max's adoration of her has only grown. He dotes over her and freely showers her with compliments as only Max can.

2. She's found her hands. It has been so fun to watch her surprise herself with what they are capable of. The kids go crazy watching her swat at her toys like she's the first baby to perform such a feat.

3. This month she also received her quilt from my Grandma. All my kids have a blanket from their Great Grandma and they were so excited for her when it arrived in the mail.

Here are all my kids with their quilts from Grandma. This picture definitely has me humming the Brady Bunch theme song.

4. When Harlow was born I was worried she looked too much like a boy. Sam always disagreed. When I took this picture, I sent it to Sam at work and told him that I was wrong about my sweet little girl. (Sorry Harlow...you're mother is a little crazy after she gives birth)

 5. Reed has been super helpful with Harlow and she is definitely recognizing him as one of her favorite people.

 6. Harlow is a super smiley baby, but she is still getting used to my camera. She'll be grinning from ear to ear and then when I disappear behind the camera she will wonder where I've gone. Sometimes I'm able to catch her joy and sometimes I catch her perplexed wonder instead.

7. Harlow has been an alert gal from the beginning. She may be the youngest, but I don't think she plans to miss out on anything if she can help it. 

8. During her second month, she also suffered through a rough bout of baby acne. It seemed to be worse and last longer than any of our other kids, but I don't know if that is necessarily true---any time with baby acne seems long.

9. She's the sweetest little talker. Sam and I both agree that she has been the most eager "talker" of our bunch. When we talk or sing to her she coos and oohs right along. It's my favorite.

I think it's Sam's favorite too.

10. She's a tall one. She started out tall (21. 5 inches) and seems to be keeping on that course. At her 2 month appointment her height was still in the 99 percentile, but I don't need a growth curve to tell me that she's a tall. The 3 to 4 inches of leg hanging out most of her clothes do a pretty good job letting me know she'll be passing me up one of these days.

11. If you think seeing Harlow hold Reed's scriptures is a funny sight you should hear him trying to explain what he's reading to her. I love that boy and he sure loves his sister.

12. First matching headbands.

A few other non-pictured things about Harlow at this age include the following; She's got super strong legs and loves to stand. Standing has always been her preferred position when holding her. 

While Harlow has been the "perfect" baby,  feeding her has not been so perfect. This month it was particularly difficult keeping her on a track with a steady weight gain. She started out huge, but for whatever reason (I've driven myself crazy trying to figure it out) I just couldn't keep her steadily moving forward from that point. It's been the only low part of my experience with her but thankfully it's something that at this point we have mostly resolved. I would never call her a chunky baby, but I think we have decided that she is going to be just fine doing what she's doing. (See mom, look at that double chin.) 

We sure love this happy girl...

...and even when she's not so happy too. (Actually we see this face so rarely that I think it's pretty cute too.)

Happy late 2 months Harlow! Now on to your 3 month post...


grandmother said...

Great job, Lindsay. Too bad we are not all great record keepers like you. I'm glad you put that final picture in. Pictures of you sad/crying are some of my favorites. From the very beginning I knew she was going to be a prodigy baby. Just you wait she'll be doing everything early.

Monica said...

Love all the pics! SHE LOOKS SOOOOO MUCH LIKE MAX!!!! No wonder why he loves and compliments her so much! Hope everything continues to go well and glad you got a baby that sleeps! It makes you feel on top of the world! That's what I am hoping for in a few weeks! A sleeper like the rest of mine have been! Crossing my fingers! :)