Dickson Family

Dickson Family

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

California Christmas

We had a great trip to California over Christmas and New Years. We got to spend 5 days in Long Beach and 5 days in San Clemente. It was pretty much non-stop fun. See below: (Sadly now that I am getting around to doing this post I am realizing how often I didn't have my camera. Oh well, her are some of the highlights.)

An elephant ride at the Santa Ana Zoo. Max was so upset when he had to get off.

A fun bike ride along Belmont Shores.

Spending time with cousins.

A perfect trip to Lego Land with Nana and Bailey.

Spending time with family. (Reed followed Bailey like a shadow the entire time she was around. Thankfully she is a such a sweet girl and let him follow her every move.)

Lots of love from Nana.


Nancy said...

For not having pictures, you have a good sample from lots of events. Such cute boys! I could have spent weeks with them. Five days went too fast.

Suzie said...

I was just remembering taking a elephant ride when I was little the other day. I am sure I felt the same way Max did. It looks like a great trip but we did miss you on New Years.....next year right?

Whitney said...

Olivia must have been camera shy while we were in Long Beach. :)
It was great to hang out with you guys, thanks for making it such a fun time!

Robyn said...

Oliver wants to know when we get to go on an Elephant ride!!! Looks like you guys had a very fun Christmas!

grandmother said...

since this my 6th time looking at this entry--i'll put in a commnet.
It was wonderful having you here in CA, think you should move here.