Dickson Family

Dickson Family

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Little Teacher

Today when we were getting ready for church I asked Reed to tie Max's shoes. At first Max protested at Reed doing it for him. "No--don't do it. Just teach me." Reed jumped at the chance.

"First you make an 'X'. Then the arm on top goes through the hole--Whoosh!-- and then it gets its arm back and then it turns into a 'V' and then a tree grows. A rabbit goes around that tree cause a fox is chasing it--Zoom--so it goes into it's home and then the fox tries that race again. That's all. Got it Max?"

Reed also asked me when Ruby would be 3 months because he'd like to teach her the ABCs.


grandmother said...

Love the picture.

Nancy said...

I agree, the picture is priceless. But the shoe tying tutorial blows your mind.

Robyn said...

So cute! And congrats to you for doing such a great job at recording these sweet moments with your kids!