Dickson Family

Dickson Family

Sunday, May 23, 2010

What's Next?

Recently, Max has developed a new habit. Whenever he goes to use the bathroom, as soon as he gets in there he starts asking from across the house, "What are we doing next?"

Like today, Max excused himself during dinner to use the bathroom. No sooner did he get in there than he asked, "What are we doing next?"

"Finishing dinner."

"What's after that?"

"Playing phoenixes." (Phoenixes are Reed's recent obsession--we all had to draw one and cut it out so we could play.)

"What's after that?"

"Bath time."

"What's after that?"

"A special family treat." (We made caramel popcorn.)

Lindsay would know better how long this normally goes on, but he continued for several more questions after that before he was satisfied.


grandmother said...

Thank you, Sam, for posting. This Max story definitely needed to be posted/remembered. I vote for you to post more often.

Nancy said...

That would drive me crazy before too long.