Dickson Family

Dickson Family

Sunday, July 3, 2011

He's from Jersey...

...or at least he sounds like it sometimes. One of the more endearing things about Max is how he talks and the imperfection thereof. Of course at some point down the road I hope he can pronounce everything correctly, but until that time comes we will enjoy hearing him say things like he needs a "foik" when he eats and hopes we can build a "foit" later. He loves his "bwuvver" and seeks his approval by asking, "Wight Weed?" We love it so much that sometimes we ask him to say things like, "You're the best girl squirrel in the world" just so we can hear him say, "You're the best gurler squirreler in the worlurd." It's a really hard thing to record accurately in writing, so you'll have to take our word for it that it's pretty cute.

Another thing I love about the way Max talks, besides that fact that he cannot pronounce his Rs, are the questions he asks and the excitement he shows when he shares new information.
Some of his favorite things to say when he's excited are "How is that even possible??", "That is so strange!", and "Wow! Isn't that cool!" (of course coupled with an equally intense facial expression.) He certainly makes regular life feel more exciting.

The other day I let him take a shower in my bathroom. When he got out he had wide eyes and raised eyebrows saying, "There is something in your shower that smells so beautiful! It smells even more beautiful than flowers!" (Wide open mouth) "Can you believe that!!??" I love his energetic excitement over small things. I love it so much I didn't even mind that the good smelling stuff was my good conditioner and that in the smelling process Max also decided to add a bunch of water to it.

Other than excitement, Max's speech also conveys the great love and concern he has for others. From Max's earliest efforts to communicate he was always very observant and aware of others. He would ask things like, "Does that make you sad mom?" or "Reed, did you have good day at school?" Max just naturally thinks of others and it shows in the things he says.

The other day Max was tired and laying on the couch. As I walked by I asked him, "Where did you get such a cute little face?" He looked at me sleepily, smiled and said, "Do you want to take a picture of it?" I did.

Max--we love your delightful passion for life and concern for others. You're my favorite 4-year-old in the worlurd.

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