Dickson Family

Dickson Family

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Christmas--Part 2

Nothing like two weeks of sickness to really kill your momentum. Oh well...here we move along anyways...

A good thing Christmas time always ends up as one big blur of happy craziness for me or this could end up being a 16 part post. As it is I am having a hard time thinking of specific details of any of the events leading up to the big day without looking at my pictures. And although I usually have a habit of taking too many pictures, I actually don't have too many leading up to Christmas Day. I guess that has something to do with the blur of happy craziness.

Here are some bits and pieces of our pre-Christmas celebration....

We got our tree early this year and throughout the month it continued to be a popular item with the kids. Normally I don't let the kids play in the front room (not sure why exactly....we don't have anything in there yet--- maybe just be out of principal---that and hoping for one less place to get messy). However, while it was our Christmas tree room, they had free reign...and boy did they enjoy it.

I couldn't resist including this picture of Reed and Max looking like they are just about to count off 5, 6, 7, 8 to start their boy band dance.

Thankfully they were just prepping for this.

This year I was thinking a lot about Christmas traditions and started to wonder if we had enough. We decided to add to our list by reading a Christmas story every night under the tree before bed. I think it got an overall thumbs up and will definitely be something we try to carry on in the future.

The one downside to reading under the tree was the fact that we got a few presents in the mail early. Having presents under the tree was more than Max could stand. He was actually pretty funny acting like some magnetic-like force was pulling him towards the presents.

Magnetic force or not, presents were not going to happen.

We ended up having to remove the presents and spent a few nights reading stories upstairs under a little red foil tree that Max convinced me to buy for their room. Oh the things that boy gets me to buy. Sam says he's not allowed to come to the store with me anymore.

The lovely red tree.

We didn't have a super crafty Christmas this year, but we did find time for a few fun projects including these button Christmas trees.

Few things bring me greater joy than seeing my kids happily working together. With Ruby in the mix sometimes it's nearly a miracle to see this.

We had a great month. It was full and meaningful. I wish I had more pictures to remind me of the details, but for now I guess this picture of Ruby will have to sum up our Christmas activities...blurry but happy.

1 comment:

John Evelyn said...

Enjoyed the pictures, even the frowning face Maxo. Liked your button tree Reed and Max and Lindsay I think you are such a clever writer.