Despite the greatness of the summer, by last week both boys were feeling pretty ready for school to start---especially Max.
Reed was the first to leave me last week. He started a few days before Max and for him it seemed to just be business as usual. He didn't show any signs of nerves, just pure excitement. He begged me to let him get up before before 6:00 a.m. (we agreed on 5:59) and then tried to get into the car without eating breakfast. Yeah...he was a little excited.

Even with all his eagerness to get to school he knew I was going to make him stop and pose for me. He was happy to oblige for a few, but then he wanted to get going.

Two long days later (trust me, they were long...just ask Max) Max joined him for his first day of school. I feel like Max has been waiting for this moment his whole life. Don't let this sheepish look fool you, he was ready for his big day.

This captures his level confidence a little better. He was pretty excited about his Ninja lunch box too.

He loved his first day of school photo shoot too. He's been waiting for his moment in the spotlight. He knew just what he wanted, too. "OK one with my lunchbox and then we'll do the backpack next."

This is so Max too. Calm as a cucumber one moment, crazy ninja boy ready to attack the next.

My two school boys. Reed was almost as excited for Max as Max was.

Ruby was so pleased to be invited to be in this picture. She's been talking all summer about how she is five and will be going to kindergarten with Max.

This is the best I could do at getting them all off the ground at the same time.

I love that they really love each other.

When it was time for the drop off, I was barely able to slow the car down before Max wanted to jump out. The school strongly urged parents to just drop students off and not walk them to their classroom so even though it nearly killed me, I dropped him off. I had met his teacher, seen his classroom and watched as the principal walked him down the hall to his room, but none of that stopped me from choking up a little as he confidently turned away from me with only a quick goodbye. I had been dreading his departure, but it was hard to stay sad for too long when he was so thrilled and by all accounts appeared to be ready for the experience.
I wasn't the only one who was dreading Max's departure. After a whole summer of insisting that she was going with Max to kindergarten, she let him out of the car without too much of a fight. She was sad as we drove away, but once we were home she happily commandeered the coveted Halloween costume magazine that my children have been pouring over for a week and relished in her complete control over it. (I think they have costumes picked out for the next 5 years now.)

A week into this, we still miss them like crazy, but it's starting to become our new normal. At least I still have all of our summer photos to reminisce and write about. I guess sometimes procrastination does pay.