About three weeks ago quite miraculously and instantaneously Ruby potty trained herself. It was task I was dreading and postponing as long as possible because it's a skill I do not have. Even with child #3 I feel as clueless as I was the first time around--and maybe even a little more because, while all my children are strong willed, Ruby's version of bossy takes the cake.
About 6 months ago she was interested...but after a day of multiple accidents she lost all interest and told me on a daily basis how she loved being a baby and wearing diapers. I figured it was going to be a long and frustrating process so I didn't get too excited when out of the blue she said she wanted to put on her Rapunzel undies. I was even less hopeful when an hour into round 2 she had two accidents. After her second accident she said, "I keep wetting?!" like it was some kind of surprise. And then something clicked and that was it. She didn't have another accident...and even protested a bit when I put a pull up on her at night. A few nights later I finally gave into her request for undies at night and to my amazement she hasn't had even one problem at night. Miraculous.
She is so pleased with her success every time...so am I.

Even after a few weeks, the novelty of her cuteness as "a big girl" has not worn off, and don't even get me started on how adorable she looks in her little undies and how every time I put them on her she says, "I won't wet these, Mom."
Thanks Ruby...you win. Best potty training ever.

I love all the pictures. Good job Ruby! I'm glad you don't wet Repunzel and your other undies.
Hey Lindsay...it is your cousin April. Your family is so cute!
We have a potty trained little guy as of this week too. Oh the joys and the hours spent in public bathrooms (at least it feels that way)
Hey...Lindsay, I was wondering about a decoration that you have on your wall. Liz and I were have both been eyeing it. It was in the background of a photo a few months back. It was an extra large wallart of a portion of the proclamation to the family. Did you purchase that? If so from where. If you made it can you tell us what you did. I love it! Anyway email me if you have a chance.
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