Dickson Family

Dickson Family

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Canned Food Drive

Sam and I are always trying to encourage our kids to "think of others" more. We have also had great intentions to incorporate more service opportunities into their lives, but planning those types of opportunities don't seem to happen as often as we would like. So when our Stake Day of Service arrived, including a canned food drive, we knew this was an opportunity not to be missed.  We also knew our kids would need no encouragement to get involved. For some reason, they LOVE canned food drives.  I can only guess it's because it's been one of the few experiences where they have felt like they personally contributed to a big service project and have enjoyed the good feelings that service brings. Whatever the case may be, they were thrilled when we told them we were going to be canvasing the neighborhood with flyers and knocking on doors to encourage food donations. What was even more surprising and pleasing to me was that Reed and Max wanted to knock doors on their own while Ruby and I worked on the opposite side of the street. (Sam got to be on his own team.) I was a little nervous about how they would handle talking with people, but as I listened from across the street all I could do was smile and be impressed with their bold and courageous presentation. I even laughed a little to myself when I heard them explain that we would be by the next day between 8 and 9 a.m. to pick up any donations, followed up quickly with "And a good thing it's going to be Saturday, otherwise we would be at school at that time."  Watching them scurry from house to house was pure sweetness as I couldn't help but imagine them as confident future missionaries.  Even Ruby was anxious to contribute in every way she could. She really wanted me to let her do all the talking and while I always let her help, it was almost never enough for her.

The next day collecting food was even more exciting for the kids, dragging their wagon through the neighborhood watching the back of our truck fill up. Reed even told me, "This is almost as fun as trick-or-treating" Max added, "Yeah...it's like practice trick-or-treating." This was obviously a light bulb moment for Reed who then suggested we do a canned food drive every year a few weeks before Halloween.

Reed had no problem leading out  in this activity. I could see on his face how happy he was that his efforts the previous day had been fruitful.

My hard-working Max is never far behind when it comes to keeping up with Reed.

Ruby wouldn't  dream of being left out of this (or anything).  She chased the boys and wagon through the neighborhood helping wherever she could.

No--our life is not always sunshine and roses or a truck load of canned food, but sometimes it is and that's something I definitely don't want to forget.

1 comment:

grandmother said...

Yup, I know Reed, Max, and Ruby you are good helpers and can be hard workers. I am so happy you like to serve the people in your community. Reed, that was a great idea about having a canned food drive just before Halloween. You should tell you stake leaders.