Dickson Family

Dickson Family

Monday, July 21, 2014

As good as it gets

Sometimes someone shares a testimony at church that really sticks with you. Several years ago, when we were were still living in North Carolina, a member of our ward shared his testimony of the importance of family that has always stuck with me. In his testimony he described how he and his family had gone bowling that week for FHE. As he stood up for his turn to hurl the ball down the lane he could  hear his 4 kids behind him chanting "Go dad! Go dad!" It was a simple thing, but he said standing there it hit him that the overwhelming feelings of love that he felt are what it's all about and that moments like that are as good as it gets. His heart resonated with the truth that the family is central not only to God's plan, but also to our happiness now and for eternity. I, of course, know this to be true, but sometimes I can really feel it in an undeniable almost tangible way. 

Saturday, after the swim meet, was one of those times. It was lunch time when we finished up the meet and everyone was starving. We had several errands to run still so stopping by the grocery store seemed like the best option to get through our list without dealing with a hunger-induced mutiny.  We ended up grabbing some celebratory donuts, fried chicken and fruit, found a shady spot of grass at the edge of the parking lot and had an impromptu picnic. It was part hobo and part perfect.  Like the bowling experience, it was simple but brought a profound sense of complete satisfaction to be surrounded without distraction by those that I love most.  I'm not sure why those moments always catch me off guard, but I'm always glad when they do. 

No fried chicken photos, but these pictures from a few weeks ago outside enjoying the perfect evening weather are among those "all is right in the world" moments for me.

I hope they could feel the perfection of the evening too. Something sure was bringing Harlow happiness.

Ruby ditched her bike after she fell off of it and instead ran laps around the cul-de-sac trying to keep up with the boys.

I love that determined look.

My speed demon.

This is definitely as good as it gets.

1 comment:

John Evelyn said...

This time I got teary-eyed because I am so proud of you -- as a daughter, a mother, a member of the church and even of your many talents especially your writing and photography skills.
I love you.
(Maybe I should have said of your photo journalism skills.)