Dickson Family

Dickson Family

Thursday, July 17, 2014


There are many thing that I can count on as far a typical behavior goes from my kids. I can count on a groggy Ruby to make her way into our room every morning, flop onto our bed and say, "I'm tired" or "I'm hungry" and often both. I can count on Max starting just about every request he makes of me by saying, "You are probably going to say no but..". I can count on the fact that if I send Reed up to his room to get something I will at some point have to pull him away from a book that he has also found up there. I can count on Harlow to want just about any blanket she sees and nuzzle her face into it  as soon as she has been able to grab it. 

The scene below is also quite typical around her. All my kids do it: They watch. It is very typical to see them sit near by and watch each other draw, play a game or even read a book. This early morning Max had decided to draw and Ruby had decided to pull up a chair watch. It's nothing extraordinary, but I love it. I love the mutual love they have for each other. I love their desire to be near each other, and I love that in this house, this is typical.

1 comment:

John Evelyn said...

I have noticed that, too. I love it. I love you and the whole family. They are so blessed to have you, like we are so blessed to have and had (since the beginning of your earthly life) you.