Last week we were lucky enough to have my dad in town to visit and help us get started on some landscaping projects. They were beastly jobs and included lots of digging, ripping out plants, moving heavy rocks and so many trips to the dump that we will soon be on a first name basis there.

My dad was a relentless worker.

Everyone got involved in the work. Max is always eager to get involved in these types of projects. He might not have all the skill yet, but he definitely has the heart. I love to see my kids working up a sweat.

Reed also gave ditch digging a try but tried not to break a sweat since his most important work for the week was recovering from strep. Poor boy.

Ruby even did her best make a dent in the project. Maybe next time she'll have more luck when the shovel isn't taller than she is.

Once again I have to acknowledged that a grimace of exertion is not a good look for me, but I have to include this picture so my kids remember that their mom was a hard worker too (and had a freakishly muscular forearm.)

As important as hard work is to my dad, it is only half of the equation for him. I have heard him rehearse countless times how good it feels to work hard and then how important it is to reward yourself when you are done. The kids needed no convincing when it came to this part of the principle.
On a few days the reward was a cold treat.

On a few days the reward was a cold treat.

On another day it was a trip at the lake. I think the the fact that Max fell asleep on the stairs while waiting for everyone to get their swimsuits on is evidence that the day's reward was well deserved.

After a quick nap he was ready to go.

I'm confident that my kids could play in the sand all day.

Reed also had the chance to get a few swimming tips from my dad before his swim team tryouts this week.

On another day the boys were able to race to the lake after Reed's football game for some quick evening fishing.

The fishing trip was cut a little short by a thunderstorm, but the boys were still thrilled to have caught a fish.

I don't know if my boys totally get the point of fishing yet because the first thing they wanted to do when they got home was put it in a large Tupperware and name it.

Reed looking in the cupboard for some fish food. (Don't worry this poor fish found another "home" the next day.)

We definitely worked hard, but we still made some time to just be together. Here is Max showing off the reading progress he's made.

Thanks so much for coming Dad. It was a wonderful visit. We worked hard, my kids felt loved and our back yard is one step closer to not looking like a jungle. Pretty close to perfect if you ask me.