I had actually never been "duck pin" bowling before. It may be common knowledge, but apparently duck-pin is different in that the pins are smaller and everyone uses the same size ball which is also much smaller and has no holes. It turned out to be perfect for the kids and they picked it up like pros.
I'm not sure how many pins Reed got down that round, but from the look on his face I'm thinking it went pretty well.
Max always went for it with lots of gusto.
And then waited with lots of anticipation.
Even from the back I think Max's antics are adorable.
The balls were a little heavy for Ruby, but, in true Ruby fashion, she was not about to be left out. Surprisingly she was able to hit quite a few pins, and when she didn't she would dramatically say, "Awww...it's not working!!"
She even accepted a little "coaching".
She may not have gotten any strikes, but in reality Ruby was more concerned with the lollipop that someone gave her. That was her real score.
The woman at the counter said that Ruby's sneakers were fine for the floor and that she didn't need to wear the bowling shoes. Clearly she didn't know who she was dealing with. Ruby never misses an opportunity to try new shoes.
I'm not sure which was more entertaining, watching the pins or their faces.
Sam is quite the bowler too. Look at that professional release. Hello, bowling league?
Sam took a couple of pictures to document my existence and my bowling skills which aren't too terrible if I do say so myself. I also learned that a grimace of exertion is not a good look for me. (not pictured--and for good reason)
I'm so glad we stuck with our bowling plans because everything we needed to get done that night got done-- and most of it was at the bowling alley.
Well that looked like a fun family home evening. Even before you commented on Ruby's shoes I was noticing how nice looking they were. Don't blame Ruby for wanting a pair of her own.One of these times you will have to take me. Looks like for one of those pictures Max had to have bowled between your legs to capture that shot.
Reed and Max, looks like your mom has been teaching you herkies and x jumps.
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