Dickson Family

Dickson Family

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Catching Up and Moving Forward

I've gotten really behind with posting again and I'm ready to catch up---and move on. It's MAY now, but back in March we celebrated St. Patrick's Day, Reed turned 7 & we officially moved from North Carolina to Maryland. Here is a quick recap of our St. Patrick's Day.

Our St. Patricks's day was pretty tame compared to last year, but it still included a last-minute trip to Walmart to raid their clothing department for anything green. How do my children have nothing green?! It was slim pickings for sure, but we found what we needed to feel festive and avoid being pinched. (I loved how concerned they were that Ruby have green attire as well.)

Here are the boys in their green. Note to self: Having kids say "Happy St. Patricks Day" while they pose does not make for a great picture.

It was a over a month ago now, but I do recall that we had beautiful spring weather on St. Patricks day. It was perfect for participating in the old Irish tradition of cartwheeling in the front yard with friends. What? That's not a tradition...well it should be. I'm sure the kids would agree at least. They had a great time.

Ruby was not about to miss out on the cartwheeling action. She was pretty cute trying to copy the boys.

Ruby not only looks ready for St. Patricks Day, but Marti Gras too.

At this point we had already packed up most of our house. Luckily I had the foresight to leave out the food coloring to make this festive dinner possible. Maybe next year we'll try real Irish food and save the dye for Easter eggs.

1 comment:

Monica said...

Love the Green dinner! Hope you are settling into MD life! Ruby's hair is really cute in the pics too and love her green pants!