Dickson Family

Dickson Family

Monday, May 2, 2011

Reed is 7

When I asked Reed what he wanted to do to celebrate his birthday this year I realized that this blog has done more than just help me remember the details of our life. Reed is also a big fan of the blog, loves to read about himself and requested a celebration identical to last years. Last year wasn't anything extraordinary, but even so, three days before our big move I couldn't match it. We did what we could, and I think he felt celebrated, so it was a success.

Sam wasn't home on Reed's birthday, but we still wanted him to be included in the festivities so we started the morning with a video chat to open presents.

After we said goodbye to Sam, Reed started working on his wind up robot kit that we had given him. Max and I had picked it out a few weeks earlier and I'm pretty sure Max can't keep a secret because, although he was thrilled, Reed wasn't very surprised.

Reed being the robot.

Lucky Charms was Reed's junky cereal of choice this year.

When I let Reed pick out a special lunch too he said, "Oh...I know what kind of birthday I'm having this year--a food birthday." Sad, but true.

This is the lunch Reed picked out for his "food" birthday.

After school we invited our neighbors to the park for an improptu birthday play date.

I don't remember why Max was so sad.

Thankfully he got over it.

We didn't have cake, but ice cream sandwiches were just as good. It was birthday cake flavored ice cream in the middle so it was close to perfect.

Ruby thoroughly appreciated the break from tradition.

The day after Reed's birthday was his last day of school at Herbert Akins. I actually picked him up a little early because we were loading up the truck and what Reed said he really wanted for his birthday was to pack up our moving truck. ( I guess all the delays were really getting to him!)

Reed and his teacher Mrs. Janik.

As he was leaving his classmates mobbed him with a big group hug. It was really so sweet. I actually almost started to cry and then laugh when I heard one of the little boys say, "Good-bye" you smart little guy."

I was worried that Reed would be heartbroken to leave his school, but he was really nothing but excited about the move.

He certainly doesn't look too torn up in this picture.

He may have danced a jig on his way out, but Reed really did love attending Herbert Akins. His class made him this special good-bye shirt that says "Once a hawk....always a hawk!" That shirt is now a treasured possession.

Reed has really grown up so much this past year--almost too much. Even though I'm tired, I am going to note 7 wonderful things about my 7-year-old Reed.

1. He loves the scriptures. Ever since he was tiny I have felt this, but as he grows I have seen this grow too.
2. He loves his siblings and will do almost anything for his little sister.
3. He is following in his father's footsteps in his love for telling jokes. He is especially fond of making up his own jokes...some have been pretty good too.
4. He has a passion for learning. This is something else that I have noticed about Reed his whole life. I love that he can get excited about learning anything new and then equally (if not more excited) about sharing it with others.
5. He can speed read---really. I once saw him sit down and read an entire Magic Tree House book in 15 minutes. I couldn't believe he had read the whole thing so I quizzed him and he had. The boy can actually read faster than me. Hopefully he'll keep that skill. It will serve him well in college for sure.
6. He loves to dance--or what he calls dancing at least. It's a combination of of robotic/ninja/break dancing moves. I don't know where he picked them up, but he does love it.
7. He is an awesome whistler. I have never had this skill so I am super impressed when he can bust out recognizable tunes including his most recent favorite, The Star Spangled Banner.

Reed, we love you so much. I am so thankful for the past 7 years. Our lives have been so much enriched by your presence. Happy very belated birthday my boy!


Alan Dickson said...

What a great tribute to a remarkable 7 year old! Wish we could have been there.

Nancy said...

Whoops! That was Nana not Papa that left that last blog. I am sure he has the same wishes, though.