Dickson Family

Dickson Family

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Pillow Fight

Growing up without brothers, the frequent need to tackle, wrestle, pummel and "fight" with your siblings is still pretty foreign to me. It is, however, not foreign to my children, who feel this need quite frequently (especially my middle one). I want my boys to be boys, but I am still not a huge fan of the friendly brawl, since no matter how innocently it starts, it almost always ends with someone crying, usually because half way through being rolled over they decide they don't want to play any more. It happens that way so often that the only play fighting that I can truly approve of is the pillow variety. Now, I'm not personally a pillow fighting expert myself, but I've done it enough to know it's pretty safe and people usually get worn out before they get injured.

Today when I didn't want to hear any more arguing I suggested that we do a pillow fight instead. As averse as I am to fake fighting, I much prefer it over the real thing.

The idea excited them enough that they forgot their current dilemma and switched activities. In fact, they took the whole thing very seriously. They started with stretching....

and continued the warm up with some push ups.

Ready, set...


Of course, Ruby had to get in on the action. Her ridiculous outfit is so Ruby. It's often frustrating to fold laundry when my little fashionista is around. She goes around collecting my clean clothes like Halloween candy--and, of course, wants to wear it all...simultaneously. Let's just say those polka dot sweats aren't the only pants she has on--not even one of two. She's lucky I love her so.

No doubt--she's going to be one tough little girl.

I got to fight the winner (which actually turned out to be both of them since they tied--we are a big fan of ties in this family). I thought they were impressed with my skills until Reed said, "Wow...if Dad was fighting us he would have us down with just one hit." So much for my moves. After the fight, they wanted to show me their best moves.

In the end, my plan mostly worked. They forgot about whatever super important thing they were fighting over, no one was injured, and my kids once again think Sam is cooler than me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a great distraction. I will try this some time. Lindsay you are a such a fun mom!!