Dickson Family

Dickson Family

Monday, October 3, 2011

2nd grade

A month ago Reed started 2nd grade. I may be a bit behind with these first day of school pictures, but now with a few weeks under our belts I can also report that Reed absolutely loves 2nd grade. It has been such a good year for him so far and I couldn't be happier. I worried all summer long about getting him into the right class and our prayers were answered. He's in a great class with a great teacher. After the first week of school he announced that he wanted to stay in 2nd grade forever. For the first time since he started his school career he comes home everyday excited to share something new he has learned.

While it has been wonderful, I don't know if Reed would call it perfect. I was looking through his daily agenda after the first month and I noticed at the bottom where it has a section entitled, "Notes". Reed had crossed out the "s" in "notes" and written: "Note to self: I am like Ramona". When I first asked him what that was all about he protested and said it's a note to self---that means it's just for me. When I persisted he told me that he was like Ramona because when Ramona started 3rd grade she thought it was going to be the best year ever and it wasn't. He said that was how he felt. He could identify with her because he thought 2nd grade was going to be the best until his teacher told him to throw a rubber band he was playing with in the trash. "Doesn't she know that I am collecting them and that they are not trash to me?!"

Thankfully, after about a day he was over the rubber band episode and back to loving 2nd grade.

Max is getting really tired of being a bridesmaid at these first day of school celebrations. Poor boy...next year.

Ruby thinks that if the camera is clicking she should be there. While I was snapping photos of Reed, Ruby decided to work her way into the shot. Did somebody say it was time for pictures?

His face doesn't show it, but he misses this girl and the feelings are mutual. Ruby squeals with delight when Reed comes into view in the car pool line and she is usually the first one to get Reed's attention after we pick him up.

Max always misses Reed like crazy when he starts school again so it's usually a countdown until he comes home on the first day. I love how I can tell that Max is genuinely happy in this picture of the two of them enjoying an after school snack after a long day without him.

After the snack it was back to business as usual.

I think it's time to get some girl dress up clothes since it looks like Ruby has resorted to dressing up as Santa Claus.

I love it when my kids play well together...even when they make the basement look like this.

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