Dickson Family

Dickson Family

Saturday, October 1, 2011

The reason for the trip... (AKA the longest post I ever hope to do.)

After 4 days on the road we finally arrived in Grand Junction, Colorado--our final destination and the reason for the madness. It was wonderful to finally be there. Matt, Whitney and Olivia met us there as well, making for a full house for Nana and Papa. They seemed a bit overwhelmed by the 12 guests at times, but I think, for the most part, they enjoyed and appreciated the visit and the time they had to spend with us and our kids.

The one activity I knew everyone--including (or especially) my Nana--was looking forward to was going fishing. Nana had promised $5 to the first person who caught a fish, so my boys were even more motivated to make something happen. Sadly, after several hours and two locations the fish count was zero.

My Nana can bait a hook with the best of them.

...so can Issac.

Fish or no fish, Reed and Luke were having a ball together...even when Reed hooked himself with a worm on the back. Yuck.

Yep...this is the reason we went.

Ruby busied herself catching flowers.

Hello, Opie.

It really was so beautiful there. I was hoping my kids realized how amazing it was to be at a lake on top of a real mountain...not those "hills" we are used to on the east coast.

My little Dora the Explorer.

Of course it was both of my boys who fell in the lake. Max was not a happy camper. After this he was D-O-N-E, done.

Matt and Olivia taking in the beauty of it all. Did I mention how beautiful it was? I love the mountains.

The boys at unsuccessful fishing spot #2.

The girls taking a break together. I love that one of the "girls" is mine.

My poor Nana felt terrible that we didn't catch a thing. I however thought the adventure was a big success. The kids had a great time with my grandparents, we got to enjoy the beauty of the Colorado mountains and there weren't any stinky fish to bring home and cook.

Back at the house the boys enjoyed checkers with Papa.

Moments like this made it ALL worth while.

The weather wasn't too bad while we were there, but it was hot---so when it rained we let the kids take full advantage of the opportunity.

Spending time with far-away cousins was pretty wonderful too. Ruby enjoyed Olivia and her Italian ice.

The next day we headed to Lincoln Park where my Nana and Papa used to take their kids. It was really neat to hear my grandparents reminisce about their life in Grand Junction long ago. My papa has always been a man of few words, so I can honestly say that I heard him talk and share more in the 4 days we were there than I have my entire life. It was great.

Ruby took a liking to Papa--I think the feelings were mutual.

Cute kids at the park.

It goes with out saying that the van was a disaster by the time we arrived, so before everyone headed back home Issac gave it a good vacuum--Tracey helped a little too.

Nana and Papa with the whole gang. (minus Olivia who was being driven to sleep.)

That last day we were there, Papa spent much of the day standing at the kitchen sink slowly and thoroughly washing all the dishes as the many shifts of eaters dirtied them. (I'm not sure why they even have a dishwasher!) After a whole day on his feet, sitting felt pretty good--getting up, however, was a different story. He needed a little help. I think Nana and Papa slept really well after we left.

I almost escaped this entire trip without a single picture of myself. I was definitely there, so, although this picture isn't great, I'm going to have to include it as evidence.

OK...maybe one more. Don't I look, happy? I was.

After two weeks away from home I couldn't help but be very excited when we were finally on our way back. Thanks to a bossy Ruby, it was Reed's backpack that got a stroll through the airport. I'm pretty sure the picture of Max and Ruby was taken right after I told Max, "Remember this is an airport, not a park." I think my warning really had an influence on him.

What do I do when we have to sit and be bored? Take pictures, of course!

Reed, on the other hand, used his time to create some new candy creation ideas.

It was great to finally be on board on our last leg.

It was even better when that last leg looked like this...

We arrived in DC around 10 p.m, tired, but excited to be home again. While we waited for Sam, Ruby enjoyed her power as keeper of the Reese's pieces.

Do those look like happy faces or what? I think Max's face says pretty clearly...get me home now please. (not sure about the please part.)

Just like his father.

It was a wonderful and long trip (I think the length of this post proves that). I'm so glad we made it happen and I hope it's one that my kids don't soon forget. (This lengthy post better help!)

1 comment:

grandmother said...

Nana and Papa loved your visit. It was great that you guys went.