Max has been working real hard on crawling this week and is getting so close now. He is actually quite proficient at moving backwards, but I'm pretty confident he'll be giving up his baby moonwalk for the real thing any day now. We'll be sure to update with video of the event when he finally does!
8 years ago
This is the first time that I will have to admit that I can see "Max" in Max and not a mini Reed!! Very cute pic!! Hope you enjoy Education Week and can't wait to hear all about it and get some insight from all you learn!
Sam and Lindsay, hey I found your blog through my cousin kristen! I was so excited! Your kids are so cute! Since you didn't bring any pics to the reunion(bad parents!) it was so fun to see them. We have a blog too! I would love to keep in touch better through our blogs. This way we won't have to pay $200 to go to the 20 year reunion!
This is such a cute picture of Max. I don't think you should encourage him to crawl forward, I think the moonwalk crawl is definitely the better way. This picture re-confirms my belief that Max looks like me. Although I am seeing a little more of Lindsay in him as well...sorry Sam I don't think there is anything of you there.:)
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