Ruby isn't the only one who experienced some major milestones last month. Reed started first grade at the begining of August and has been loving every bit of it. Before he started the school year he kept telling me how first grade was going to be A LOT of work and how you have to write really neatly. I smiled when he brought home his work from the first day with writing so perfectly neat (and small) that I could barely recognize it has his handwriting. I can tell Reed already sees himself differently as a first grader. Just today when he saw an award from last year on the fridge he said, "Whoa, this is's from when I was in Kindergarten" (Especially amusing since with year round school there were only 4 weeks between "last year" and "this year"). While I do miss my naive little Kindergarten boy I am already loving my more responsible and mature first grader who is excited about learning and working hard. Here are some pictures from the first day.
And not to be out done by his brother....
Reed was thrilled to start school again, but I'm pretty sure there is one little girl he is going to miss. Don't worry Reed--I'm sure the feeling is mutual.
A blog, A blog...I can't believe we have a blog. Yay!!! Now I don't have to feel bad for not scrapbooking or writing in my journal. Hopefully I'll do better with this type of journal since the last entry in my personal journal went something like this. "Well..I guess a lot has happened since I last wrote. Sam came home from his mission, we got engaged, got married, graduated from BYU and are now expecting our first baby!"
It is so cute how they like to pose for the camera.
I love this.
I love everything you post.
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