Dickson Family

Dickson Family

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

8 months

I think I'm ready to start updating this again. I'm done being disappointed in all I haven't recorded and ready to be back from over a month (Yikes!) of neglect. This past month has been full (maybe overly full) of fun and lots worth remembering. I'm so bummed that I never posted anything about Ruby turning 8 months (I was doing so good) that I am going to do it now even though she does turn 9 months in a day or two.

Here are some highlights from her 8th month...

Ruby had her first 4th of July. I wasn't sure if the smoke or noise would bother her, but there was nothing but true awe in her eyes as we watched the fireworks at the park. Watching these "first experience" moments are definitely a high light of being a parent.

Fourth of July wasn't her only first holiday this month. Ruby also celebrated Chik-fil-A day and dressed up like the cutest little cow for a free meal. Actually---she wasn't quite old enough to enjoy a free Chick-fil-A meal, but she was sure cute.

Ruby took her first flight this month. She and I flew up to NY to see Matt, Whitney and Olivia for the weekend. She was a great little flyer and everyone was so sweet to her. The flight attendants loved how attentive she was to their safety presentation. Our trip was quick but it was fun to see family and have some one on one time as we traveled.

Ruby is a crawler. There is no stopping this girl now and she is loving this new found freedom.

She LOVES the dishwasher. When she hears the door open she drops everything and makes a bee line for her favorite place in the house.

She got her first haircut. Yes, I finally gave in and had Susie cut her crazy long side strands. I missed them at first, but now I think I've decided it was a good move.

That's it for now. A more current update coming in 2 days when she turns 9 months old!!!


grandmother said...

Great post thoroughly enjoyed it. She is so cute!

Monica said...

LOVE the pictures. She is such a little doll! I can't wait till Eliza is crawling! I love the cow outfit pictures too! So cute and so much fun!

Nancy said...

Even though I don't see her like Grandmother does,your blog helps me feel like I know this cute little girl. Thank you for the update. I miss you all.