Ruby has hit another milestone in her life. She is now 4 months old!! This last month has just disappeared. Here are 10 things I want to remember about Ruby at 4 months old.
1.Ruby is a drooling machine. All of a sudden she seems to have a steady stream of drool coming down her chin. It seems too early for teething, so I don't know what is going on with her, but she sure knows how to soak a shirt.
2. She makes a wide range of noises including a high sweet squeel, a low cat-like growl (my favorite), and a noise that Sam says sounds like she's saying "hi".
3. Her hair is changing. It's getting a little thinner, a little redder, and a little crazier. After her hair is washed it doesn't want to lay down at all. It will stay for a while, but soon enough it pops up all over the place. I'm predicting wavy or maybe even curly hair for her. I've always wanted nice straight smooth hair for myself so I wont be sad if I'm wrong. I guess time will tell.
4. She still hates being in the car....I don't know what to do about that.
5. She is definitetly a morning person. As the day does her patience. After about 3:00 she prefers to be held non-stop. I'm getting better and better at doing everything I need to with one hand---so is Sam.
6. She loves to watch her brothers play...especially when they run back and forth in front of her being silly...which is pretty often.
7. She is starting to get interested in what we are eating. She watches with great interest when I put anything in my mouth. At LocoPops today she almost got a lick of my popcicle.
8. Her fingers are growing velcro...or it seems that way. She's starting to grab at everything and her fingers can get a pretty tight grip when she does...especially with my hair.
9. She loves to suck on her hands and fingers. She's especially fond of having both of her fists right up by her mouth and is working hard to get them both in there at once.
10. She loves to lock out her legs and "stand". Sam can balance her for a few seconds on his hand while she stands. It stresses me out to see him do it, but it is pretty cute.
8 years ago
She is so darling. Aren't you lucky!
I love that second pictures of Ruby...she sure seems like a happy baby!
So I have a problem. When I am in my reality of the madness I live in with these 3 boys I feel done. And then I come to your blog and see this little cutie and crave a baby as cute and GIRL as her. Do you see my dilemma?
What a fun stage! I love the velcro fingers part...cute way of describing it!
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