Dickson Family

Dickson Family

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Foot injury

On Sunday, while I was out, Reed stepped on a sewing needle. It went a full centimeter into his foot. Obviously he was in a lot of pain, and he didn't want anyone to touch it. He thought the best plan was to let it fall out naturally. It would just get loose, he explained. Lindsay told him that wouldn't happen. "But teeth get loose," he said.

Lindsay told him about how she had just stepped on a needle the day before (yes, sewing needles scattered around the house is definitely an issue we need to address) and she pulled it out and it didn't leave a mark or anything.

Then she showed him her feet as evidence.

These are not her actual feet.

"My feet are going to look like that?!" He was very distressed. Lindsay had to explain that her feet looked like that before the needle prick. He calmed down and I arrived soon after to remove the needle and everything's fine.

Looks like Daddy needs to buy Mommy some special foot lotion, though.

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