Dickson Family

Dickson Family

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Stake Conference

I really did not think I would have something I would want to record from Stake Conference today-- not that I don't enjoy Stake Conference, because I do. It's just that the difficulty that comes with three young children at Stake Conference seems more like something I'd want to forget instead of remember. We've been trying hard to make it reverently through one hour of sacrament meeting so I figured two hours would be a disaster (in the past it has), but for some unknown reason it turned out to be maybe the BEST Sunday since we've had kids.

I had low expectations going into the meeting. The boys were both given a pad of paper, a pen and quick talking to of what we expected out of them (although..it was really more of what we dreamed of not really what we expected) and that was it. Ruby slept the entire time and Reed and Max sat QUIETLY and wrote words and drew pictures about what they heard the whole time. We didn't have even so much as a trip to the bathroom or drinking fountain. It was so strange to be able to sit and listen with both ears to the speakers. The only interruption I ever really got was when President Packer was speaking and he said he wanted to speak to the young people. After about 5 minutes of intent listening, Reed looked at me and said, "Are you sure he is he still talking to the young people?"

When it was over I actually left church feeling refreshed instead of the normal exhaustion. It was amazing. I don't know what made the difference, but I really wish I did because I would love to be able to duplicate this behavior.

When the meeting was over the boys eagerly jumped up and started putting chairs away instead of running circles in the gym. I was in such disbelief of their behavior I had to bust out the phone to take a picture. Bad pictures, GREAT Sunday.

My kids go though about a ream of paper a week with all of their notes and pictures. I feel a little bad that I'm not a more sentimental mom because I throw almost everything away. However, I was so proud of my boys today that included a few of their pictures and notes to document this miraculous meeting.

This one might be my favorite. Reed's paper is on the left and Max's is on the right. It makes me want to hum, "Anything you can do, I can do better..."

Reed told me, "This is a picture of a person that is about to step into a bucket of mud after their mom just told them not to. At the top is the Holy Ghost saying, "Don't, Don't." And the big ear on the boy shows that he is listening to the still small voice."

This is so Reed. CTW. Choose the Wrong...don't worry--notice that it is crossed out.

Max's part human, part bird creature.


grandmother said...

Wow, that did sound like a great Sunday. You should try to figure it out. Did you ask them?

Nancy said...

Congratulations! I never had a Sunday like that, but especially if it was Stake Conference unless everyone but me was home sick--in other words: never. I love their pictures.